Our CSR commitments
Our CSR commitments
For several years, Walter France has been committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and contributes in this way to sustainable development issues.
Walter France, defines itself as an ‘unconventional’ network. This position is also found in the various commitments undertaken, the ethical and solidarity choice, and in the partnerships mentioned.
Aware of environmental issues and the challenge that ecology represents, Walter France is convinced that the impetus must also come from businesses. Although we are a service-oriented business, we contribute to the collective efforts and implement procedures that contribute to reducing our energy footprint.
Activation of 3 main pillars
3 main pillars are activated :
The adoption of eco-friendly pratices
in the face of environmental challenges
Raising awareness of stakeholders
Social commitment
Through simple eco-friendly practices (selective sorting, limitation of paper consumption, use of recycled papers, and so on), the partners and staff have adopted a citizen’s attitude that is respectful of the environment.
Walter France involves its stakeholders in the framework of its CSR policy. The clients of the different member firms are thus made aware of the concept of CSR and some are also supported in the process of becoming ISO 26 000 certified (related to the corporate social responsibility of organisations).
Our commitment