An “unconventional” network

“Unconventional” by its federalist organisation
Since 1974, Walter France brings together independent accounting and tax, audit and consulting firms who pool their resources, their technical skills and their special areas of expertise in a federalist framework. Our organisation is built so as to enrich the member firms with additional expertise, references and skills that are pooled and shared.
Working groups to support the development of the network
For this purpose, more than 15 Working Groups (WG) have been created according to the subject areas that contribute to the development of the firms and the network: the tax WG, the labour WG, the digital technology WG, the marketing and communication WG, etc.
An innovative organisation
This federalist organisation also has 44 referent associated organised according to specific techniques or dedicated areas of activity.
This organisation, which is innovative in the profession, allows combining the closeness and involvement of independent firms and the strength of an international network present in 50 countries, and thus be able to meet both local and international expectations.
“Unconventional” by its positioning
A real alternative to “the firm”, with a positioning ranging from craftsmen, merchants, and freelance professionals, to large companies and listed companies, as well as SMEs and very small firms, Walter France is an organisation where recognition and respect are cornerstone.
This diversity enriches us and benefits our clients. The members also bring the flexibility, creativity and the pragmatism of SMEs to large groups, while bringing to them the training, the resources and the ambition of large groups.
“Unconventional” by its approach to the client relationship
This human organisation is characterised by the trust, ability to listen and that availability that each member offers on a daily basis by its real involvement on the ground, contributing to the added value of the network.