Our values
Walter France brings together some forty firms which are all recognised as having common values, ethics and a common philosophy.
Common values
These values are derived from a collective commitment which cannot be decreed but which proves itself daily through a way of working, methods, behaviours and concrete actions, our choices.
Walter France oversees the commitment to the values that it defends and ensures these are respected.
Our culture of quality
Quality forms an integral part of the profession since the chartered accountants are continuously subject to quality controls by the institutions that govern the profession. Apart from the statutory institutions, quality at Walter France is at the heart of the concerns and is found at different levels:
- By regular controls not only among the member firms, but also by the professional standards enacted and the quality checks performed by the head office of Allinial Global International, the international network of which Walter France forms part.
- The member firms are required to regular submit demanding reports that guarantee the exemplary level of the skills and methods.
- And finally, obtaining the LUCIE label also illustrates the commitment made by our teams, the coherence and the sincerity of the policy implemented within Walter France.