Our international network is the guarantee of a quality accompaniment with experts who share common values and the same notion of customer relations and the human dimension.
Allinial Global International
Key figures
- 137 firms
- 381 offices
- $ 2.55 billion in sales
- Present in 50 countries with 17 096 associates and lequipes
An international quality network
Walter France is the French representative of Allinial Global International. Being part of an international network enables us to support our clients in all their development projects, depending on the particularity of each market.
Membership to Allinial Global International gives firms access to a reliable, high-quality organization and responsive client support worldwide.
Members regularly benefit from:
- Regular independent quality controls
- “Tax forums”
- Audit working groups, internal control working groups, etc.
- A “public nos-specialisations” committee
- An “international calls for tenders” committee
- Regular exchanges between the focal points for international audits
- Answers to questions related to tax and labour issues in different countries
- European conferences
- An annual world congress
The multitude of meetings and professional exchanges afforded by Allinial Global International positions it as a dynamic and professional network and enables members to accompany their clients with an equally high level of confidence, technique and professionalism.